

Readymade Installations

Begun in 2009, this series comes from Bremner's drawings that include representations of natural objects, domestic items, workplace tools and steel boxes. The box, fabricated in steel, was an element in David Smith's Cubi Sculptures of the '60s.

Like Smith, Steuart Bremner is working with steel and fixing elements in positions that would be impossible if they were not welded.

The sculptures combine many visual elements like many present-day installations, but are more chromatically unified and visually cohesive. They are also more easily moved. Ready-made Installations is the name Bremner has recently given the series, which is a diverse group of sculptures made in metal from 2009 to the present. The series includes a piece with a pendulum, one with a metal copy of an elegant side table, and others that have the look of found-object assemblages, like the one with the fabricated cardboard box.

Moment of Movement shows the tension between elements in the sculpture, and implies a moment, either the one just before collapse, or when all object are perfectly taught.

The pieces Sentry and Pendulum are steel sculptures that imply a function. The series also includes wall pieces with fully round elements, and drawings on paper and cut out aluminum.