

Light Ring

The Light Ring was shown in the exhibition Then & Now, which traveled to the National Ornamental Metals Museum in Memphis, Tenn, the Savanah College of Art & Design, and is now in the permanent collection of the Georgia Museum of Art.

The Light Ring is a conceptual ring made with light from templates designed by Bremner for this show, which was organized for the 30th Aniversary of the National Ring Show. The photographs shown here are some of the iterations of Light Rings made by Bremner.

The exhibition catalogue is as intimate in size and personality as the ring shows that it describes. According to the museum staff "this marvelous little full-color book captures the spirit of the original juried National Ring Shows from the late 1970s and their revisiting in this new exhibition. Every ring in the show is illustrated, and the book also contains essays by Callahan, Jackson and Pearse, as well as an artist's statement by Steuart Bremner, a reflection by juror Lane Coulter, and an interview with Gary Noffke, former area chair for Jewelry and Metalwork, Lamar Dodd School of Art, and organizer of the first National Ring Show."

Ashley Callahan, former curator of decorative arts, Georgia Museum of Art; Rob Jackson, associate professor and area chair, Jewelry and Metalwork, Lamar Dodd School of Art; and Mary Hallam Pearse, assistant professor, Jewelry and Metalwork, Lamar Dodd School of Art, served as co-curators.

To order, visit the museum publications page. 244 pp.; Illustrated (color). Published: 2008; $12.00 ISBN-10: 0-915977-68-0 ISBN-13: 978-0-915977-69-7 Or read Steuart Bremner's The Light Ring: artist statement which was published in the catalogue.